Take Action

Action Statement

You can see that racism is a real issue that needs to come to an end, especially when it begins to affect the mental health of young kids uptil high schoolers. It shocked me ask well when I began to learn that students were going as far as suicide. The more I think about it now, this shouldn't shock me. We are humiliating someone just for the color of their skin and the steroetypes made about their race. I think it is important to speak up about this issue because we all know what racism is and we say it is an unfair way to treat others. So why don't we take any steps to stop racism from spreading? I want to change this attitude by beginning at school levels. I want to create a program that should be done through every school where students learn the real affects of racism. They might role their eyes but everything we say can affect someone with out us knowing. I believe that if we start making a difference from here, racism will slowly die out. I strongly stand by that because we are already beginning to start fighting for change and making a difference in the world. We just need to add this issue to our list.

Check out our checklist to the right to see what you can do to support the cause!

Other links!:

A link to get more information on the race that is most affect my racism: African Americans - https://www.anxiety.org/black-americans-how-to-cope-with-anxiety-and-racism

A link to the survey(please do fill it out): https://forms.gle/xZZSjHgbYzE1ZkcHA

Here is a link that provides a multitude of BML organizations/funds to support: https://nymag.com/strategist/article/where-to-donate-for-black-lives-matter.html

Action List:

Check the items as you finish